LACHON is an association for community health and outreach workers. Our mission is to support community health workers while advocating for improvements in community health.
We work to achieve our mission by:
Convening community health workers to share resources and offer peer support
Offering professional development opportunities
Increasing recognition for the community health worker profession locally, nationally and internationally
History of LACHON
The Louisiana Community Health Outreach Network was established in 2010 by a group of community health workers and allies who wanted to create a space for community health workers to support one another and the profession. We have been hosting monthly community health worker meetings since then. Our accomplishments include holding an annual conference since 2013, presenting at national professional association meetings, conducting community-partnered participatory research, informing development of community health worker training curricula and standards, contributing to developing policy to support the workforce, and holding professional development seminars for community health workers.

Louisiana CHW Coalition Members
Louisiana Primary Care Association, Inc. | Louisiana Public Health Institute | Taking Aim at Cancer in Louisiana, Inc. (TACL) | IAM Wellness Solutions, Inc. (504.272.4018) | Louisiana Managed Medicaid Association | Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana | Louisiana Medicaid | Louisiana Office of Public Health